Airport Of The Future Is Now


Is Now (NAPSA)—A new record for air travel was set in 2018, with almost1 billion people taking to the nation’sskies. Haveyou ever wondered when technology will improve flying? Well, the future ofairports haslanded, and you can expectflyingto get better. Thefirst curb-to-gate biometric experience in the U.S. just launched at a majorinternational airport terminal to a positive customerresponse, potentially changing the future oftravel. Flyers can now Your nextflight could beeasier, faster and more funthanks to recentairport innovations. optin to a facial recognition system to check baggage, pass security and board the planewithout fumbling for ID. And US. Customsand BorderProtection has deployed facial recognition at 16 international airports to speed passengers through immigration, track visas and keep the nationsafe from terrorists. This technology is made by NEC Corporation,the internationalleaderin facial recognition and biometric technology, and you can expectto start see- ingit in numerous airports. “Facial recognition is transforming theflying experience?said Raffie Ber- oukhim, NEC's Senior Vice President for Advanced Recognition Systems. “Now, passengers can seamlessly move through anairport without ID, making flying faster and more convenient.” Experts expect numerous airlines to adopt facial recognition because they have a long history of adopting technology that makes flying more convenient. Check-in kiosks, mobile boarding passes andin-flight Wi-Fiare all exam- plesofairlines embracing newtech. In 2007, Continental Airlines introduced mobile boarding passes and virtually all carriers followed suit. In 2017, more than 1.5 billion mobile boarding passes were issued, allowing passengers to bypass longcheck-in lines. ‘The benefits of NEC’sfacial recognition technology are twofold: improving the traveler’s experience coupled with operational and cost benefits for the airlines. Checkout the groundbreaking technology that makes the airport of the future possible at