Aging In Place: What Smart Homeowners Are Doing To Stay Self-Reliant


Are Doing To Stay Self-Reli ant (NAPSA)—Morethan 90 percent of older adults prefer to age in place rather than move to assisted living or senior housing, according to the National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC). By choosing to stay at home as Poeen well into retirement, homeowners are taking on more responsibility for maintaining their independence as well as maintaining their home. However, they may not be aware of the significant responsibilities, including home care that can require physical labor or the increasing dependence onreliable electricity to maintain health, communication and security needs. Additionally, the homeowner may not be aware of the myriad of minor upgrades needed to adequately modify the house for safe, secure and comfortable living. When thinking about comfort and security, home automation is top of mind for today’s modern house. This includes lighting controls and fixtures that cast more light for better visibility inside the home. Enhanced lighting and monitoring will also improve security and can alter the mood with just a touch of a button. Better lighting for an aging homeowner is a top remodeling upgrade, while eliminating cords from lamps can simultaneously reduce the risk of trips and falls in the home. These days, it’s common to think about losing electricity due to storms and windy weather as well as diminished visibility in a darkened home. A backup generator can reduce Keeping the electricity on atall times can go a long way toward helping older Americans continue to live safely in their own homes. these risks and can also be lifesaver if the homerelies on refrigerated medications or any kind of electronic monitoring. Additionally, lifesaving equipment such as an oxygen concentrator, air-conditioning or heating throughout the seasons may be imperative. Common aging-inplace home improvements, like the elevator or stair assist, are also electrical devices that may require backup power. A home standby generator can make sure these features remain usable and aren’t cause for concern. When deciding to age in place, it’s smart to change the conversation from aging to accessibility. The comforts of home are only attainable when the features of the homeare accessible, and with- out power, even the ability to communicate with family is at risk. The ability to live comfortably at home can mean healthier and happier living for years to come. Wellness, safety and independence are easier to achieve with a Generac home standby generator and an added peaceof mind.