Age Healthier With These Five Tips.


a Age Healthier With Thee FiveTi (NAPSA)—A your widom grow with age, o can the numberofpill bot- tle in your medicine cabinet. For thoe “young-at-heart” enior, ticking to healthy habit i the key to aging well. With omeimple tep, you can keep a healthy routinethatalo give you more timeto do the thing you love. Joe Koren, pharmacy managerat Walgreen,hare hi top five tip for managing your health with a buy Your pharmacit may have more chedule: way to ave you time and money ‘You knowto go for regular checkup thanyou reali: 1. Conult the expert with your general practitioner, but don't forget that pharmacit can alo be acceible expert to anwer quetion about tiple refill trip to oneingle date,witching whyand howto take your medication to upport effective treatment. Some pharmacie offer extended hour, and 24-hour care Part D plan,but are you uing it to ave money? Fortunately, many precrip- health care clinic to treat minorinjurie andillne, which can be a convenient and cot-efficient alternative to a doctor’viit. your co-pay.A little bit of reearch into With a packed lit of to-do, friendto meet and grandchildren to watch, med- even conduct eniorday, giving you extra to 90-day refill or having eligible precrip- tion entdirectly to your home.Allthee your health. In fact, your pharmacit i a ervice can make iteaier to tay on your licened profeional who provide differ- medication chedule andhelp avetime. enthealth care ervice including immu- 4, Find perk in your Medicare D plan nization and can help you undertand So you've igned up for your Medi- tion drug plan include Walgreen in chat with pharmacy taffi available when- their preferred pharmacy network, which ever you needit. Many location alo have could mean a convenient way to lower 2. Let your martphonehelp you ication routinecan eaily lip the mind. Luckily, your mobile phoneia helpful tool the right combination ofplan, provider and pharmacy can go a long way to help you ave money. Walgreen pharmacie advice on health care topic and pecial offer. 5, Maintain healthylifetyle They ay age i only a number, and the palm ofyour hand. For example, the when you're in control of your health, Walgreen app canhelp you et daily pill that’ very true! With the time and money reminder notification, o you never mia you'll ave from thee tip, think about doe. You can alo findcloe-by health care howyou can embark on and maintain an provider and arrange a video call for a evenhealthier lifetyle. Why not challenge to keep track of your medication,right in face-to-face conultation with a phyician yourelf to walk forat leat 30 minute a martphone come with it challenge, take the timeto prepare nutritiou meal? ‘Theefive mall tep canall contrib- orpecialit through the app.Ifuing your ak oneofthe pharmacy taff or a family member to helpet it up for you. 3. Simplify your precription refill Multiple precription can mean mul- tiple tripto the pharmacy each month. A trained pharmacit can recommend convenient refill option uchaaligning mul- day, connect with friend and family, or ute to a healthierlife, and free up time and head pace for the thing youreally love. For additional information on tool to make medication management more convenient, viit pharmacy.