59 results total, viewing 41 - 59

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(NAPS)—You can naturally and tastefully boost your immunity year-round with vitamin C-rich frozen strawberries. Fresh California strawberries are hand-picked year-round and frozen strawberries … more

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NAPS)—The heartwarming stories of abandoned dogs and the grateful families who save them are documented in the half-hour weekly syndicated reality TV show “To The Rescue,” hosted by … more

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(NAPS)— The challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic have spurred many businesses to support their employees’ mental health. Employers can turn to the Mental Health Toolkit developed … more

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(NAPSI)—With the right equipment, taking care of your yard can be almost as delightful as relaxing in it, points out the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, an international trade association … more

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(NAPSI)—To switch and save on your wireless service, consider prepaid providers such as Metro by T-Mobile, Boost Mobile and Cricket. They use nationwide networks, so the service quality is on … more

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Futuristic fiction; family secrets; a women’s movement memoir; and a look at how you can “renature” yourself are among the latest offerings from BookTrib, which brings readers … more

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(NAPS)—Businesses thrive with game-changing connectivity. You can rely on your local cable provider for dependable, affordable and secure local support. Learn more about what cable has to offer … more

Did You Know?

(NAPS)—Businesses thrive with game-changing connectivity. You can rely on your local cable provider for dependable, affordable and secure local support. Learn more about what cable has to offer … more

Did You Know?

(NAPS)—People with arthritis, back pain and muscle aches can get fast, effective relief with the Salonpas Pain Relief Patch Large. It’s FDA approved and is the strongest labeled pain … more

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(NAPS)—Four powerful stories of love, growth and the soul, “Rachael’sReturn,” by Janet Rebhan; “Big WildLove,” by Jill Sherer Murray; “Finding Venerable … more

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(NAPS)—A war memoirs, “When the Tempest Gathers” by Andrew Milburn, two high-stakes thrillers, “The DNA of You And Me” by Andrea Rothman and “The Midnight … more

Did You Know?

(NAPS)—Today, as the world strug.gles with a new health crisis, it is more important than ever to protect the air, land and water that sustain humanity. One way is to celebrate Earth Day, now … more

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(NAPS)—When sadness persists for several weeks it’s time to act, says Dr. Desreen Dudley, licensed Clinical Psychologist and Behavioral Health Provider of Therapeutic Services for Teladoc … more

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(NAPS)—Homeowners should keep safety in mind when working in their outdoor living spaces, advise the experts at the Outdoor Power Equipment Institutes (OPEI). It helps to always read the … more

Did You Know?

(NAPSA)—The world’s largest private funder of pancreatic cancer research, the Lustgarten Foundation, is dedicated to curing this devastating disease—and you can help with a … more

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(NAPSA)—A good health reset can happen any time of the year. It simply takes a commitment to making small, sustainable changes that add up to impactful, healthy habits, advises Dr. Samara … more

Did You Know?

(NAPSA)—Whether in a breakfast bowl, in baked goods or even by themselves, sweetpotatoes are a nutrient-dense and smart way to start the day. For recipes and more information, visit … more

Did You Know?

(NAPSA)—It can be easy to shop for health insurance online when you work through a website that offers a way to contact licensed agents by phone or online chat such as … more

Did You Know?

(NAPSA)—If you’re concerned about the cost of an eye exam, you should know that the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s EyeCare America program provides eye care through volunteer … more
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