59 results total, viewing 21 - 40

Did You Know?

(NAPSI)—Veterinary nurses and technicians are highly educated, skilled and licensed professionals who perform more medical procedures on animals than many people realize. Learn more from the … more

Did You Know?

(NAPSI)—Cavities and gum diseases affect overall health. Learn how to prevent oral diseases to promote your healthier future. To test your oral health knowledge, visit www.KnowYourOQ.com. It … more

Did You Know?

(NAPSI)—The average U.S. household can expect up to 8 days without air conditioning during summer heat without expansions in capacity, increases in efficiency and mitigation of climate change, … more

Did You Know

(NAPSI)—When you sell your house quickly for a fair price just as it is to a home buying service such as Really, you won’t have to deal with real estate agents, stagers, home repairs, and … more

Did You Know?

(NAPSI)—You can give the Royal history buff in your life (including yourself) hundreds of documentaries about the Duke and the Duchess of Cambridge and other royals around the world with a True … more

Did You Know

(NAPSI)—Millions of Americans have their wisdom teeth removed to prevent or address teeth crowding or pain, reports Nadia Fugate, DMD, a licensed dentist who serves as a Delta Dental of Washington … more

Did You Know

(NAPSI)—Mazola® Corn Oil is a smart choice for baking, grilling, sautéing, stir frying or mixing up a marinade. The all-purpose cooking oil offers helpful, healthful facts, tips and recipes at … more

Did You Know

(NAPSI)—Some 5 million people in the U.S. have a hernia, yet many struggle to talk with their doctor about symptoms and treatments—but that can be changed. A group of leading hernia surgeons … more

Did You Know

(NAPSI)—The Delta variant is the most contagious form of COVID-19 in the United States and currently accounts for nearly all new cases, yet vaccine hesitancy remains high among Louisiana residents. … more

Did You Know?

It’s never too early—or late—to start planning for retirement. Including life insurance to supplement your savings can provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones. Learn more … more

Did You Know?

If you’ve recently been infected with Lyme disease, your immune system can provide important information about how to detect and treat the disease that current tests cannot. Adaptive … more

Did You Know?

(NAPS)— Microcap securities, low-priced securities issued by small companies with low market capitalization, are often the subject of fraud. Fortunately the SEC and FINRA can protect … more

Did You Know?

(NAPS)—Tooth decay is the most common childhood disease of children over six years old, says Dr. Gregory Theis, director, Dental Services, Delta Dental of Wisconsin. Instilling good dental … more

Did You Know?

(NAPS)—Your house can have a profound effect on your health and well-being. Many home buyers are getting help keeping their new house energy-efficient and pollution-free from the experts at … more

Did You Know?

(NAPS)—According to a Center for Secure Retirement study, nearly four in five (79%) middle-income Boomers have no money set aside specifically for their retirement care needs. For information … more

Did You Know?

NAPS)—Research shows parents are not pleased with education in America these days, but hope for innovations and improvements when the COVID is over, suggests EdChoice; that nonprofit … more

Did You Know?

(NAPS)—Many children thrive in traditional public schools. Yet, public magnet schools, public charter schools, private schools, online schools, and homeschooling bring out the full potential of … more

Did You Know?

NAPS)—A few simple steps can help make sure the packages you send and receive this holiday season end up in the right hands. For tips you can use not just during the holidays, but all year … more

Did You Know?

(NAPS)—When it’s time to clean up and organize your home, you can use a photo-based mobile app, such as Manage My Things, to accurately and efficiently track items. You can upload one … more

Did You Know?

(NAPS)— If you’ve recently been infected with Lyme disease, your immune system can provide important information about how to detect and treat the disease that current tests cannot. … more
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