Our clients include:
1. Social Security This article informs readers about how to get started to plan for retirement and that it’s never too early or too late.
2. NIH/NIDDK This article offers tips for parents to help overweight children and offers more
information at their Weight-control Information Network website, a Facebook site and at a
special phone number.
3. Jobs Corps (DOL) This article offers information about the nation’s only federally funded,
residential job-training program for disadvantaged youths aged 16 to 24, that has helped more
than 2.7 million young people. Readers are directed to a site and a phone number for more
information, including how to apply.
4. USDA/APHIS Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service This article alerts readers of a few
simple steps they can take to help protect the environment from invasive pests and the damage
those pests can cause, including a link to the APHIS site for more helpful information.
5. USDA Census of Agriculture This article alerts readers of the results of a census according to
the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).
The article reveals trends including that more consumers are seeking agricultural products from
roadside stands, farmers markets and “pick your own” farms. The article shows that local food and agritourism sales create jobs and strengthen communities.
6. Army National Guard This article informs readers about the National Guard programs,
opportunities and benefits.
7. FEMA This article promotes public awareness of Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs.) FEMA
wants the public to know about WEAs before they receive an alert during an emergency and that
alerts are delivered to mobile phones by the National Weather Service and other agencies to urge affected populations to take actions that can save lives in the critical moments before a disaster.
8. IRS (Tax Act) This article informs readers about the benefits of being charitable and how to be
sure people are giving to an eligible organization recognized by the IRS.
9. Kennedy Space Center This article includes information about recent inductees of The Astronaut Hall of Fame, part of the popular Visitor Complex, which features fascinating and historic spacecraft from the U.S. Space Program and the world’s largest collection of personal astronaut memorabilia.
10. CDC National ALS Registry This article alerts readers that the congressionally mandated
National ALS Registry is designed to compile new and existing U.S. cases of ALS, shedding light
on how many people actually suffer from the disease, and helping doctors and scientists better
understand it, and that the registry will allow for more ALS research to be conducted than ever
before and possibly help to defeat ALS—which could change the lives of future generations.
11. U.S. Administration on Aging This article informs readers about how volunteering is an easy
way to give back to the increasing number of older Americans who rely on services and social
activities within their community. Readers are encouraged to participate in the Got an Hour?
Give it Back Campaign, which was developed by the Aging Network’s Volunteer Collaborative
through a grant from the U.S. Administration on Aging to help agencies throughout the country
attract volunteers to programs that work with seniors.
12. Library of Congress and DOL This article informs readers about a list of books that shaped work in America, including fiction, nonfiction, plays, poetry, graphic novels and children’s literature.
Library of Congress/National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
(NLS) This article includes information about a new mystery series featuring a visually impaired
character inspired by a real-life reader. Readers are alerted to the free reading program that NLS
oversees, which is for U.S. residents and citizens living abroad who are blind, have low vision or
cannot hold a book because of a physical disability.
Library of Congress/Veterans History Project/Korean War Veterans This article draws
attention to the service and sacrifice of Korean War veterans as a necessary component of our
national heritage and informs readers of a project to actively seek the oral histories, personal
papers and photographs of these unsung heroes.
Library of Congress/Veterans History Project In time for the holiday season, this article
encourages readers to interview a friend or family member about his or her life, as a holiday
tradition, especially if the interviewee is a veteran. The goal is for future generations to hear
directly from veterans and better understand the realities of war.
13. Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) and the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) The article informs readers of the benefits of getting teens vaccinated
and includes a quote from the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory
Diseases, who wants parents to know that “The vaccines for preteens and teens help protect your kids, as well as their friends, community and other family members, from preventable diseases that could make them seriously ill. There are several opportunities when you can make sure your child gets the vaccines he or she needs—at any health care visit, including ones for sports or camp physicals.”
14. Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) The article informs readers about easy
ways to get help providing care to a loved one and how to recognize the value of participating in
the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP), which is designed to reimburse for
long-term care services in a variety of settings—at home or in a facility such as an assisted living
facility, an adult day care or a nursing center—and can lessen or eliminate an individual’s reliance
on a working family member to provide hands-on care.
15. Army Wounded Warrior Program This article includes an inspiring look at how one former
soldier went from adversity to personal victory: Retired Staff Sgt. Paul Roberts is a two-time
Warrior Games medalist, a father of two, a federal employee and a proud member of the U.S.
Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2). Readers are directed to a site for more information
about AW2 and other resources for wounded, ill and injured soldiers.
16. Selective Service This article alerts readers that practically all male noncitizens are required to register with the Selective Service System, including legal and undocumented residents,
permanent residents, and refugees. The article informs readers about the easy process and where to go to pick up a registration form.
17. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau This article alerts readers that while not all credit
reporting companies will have information on every consumer, it’s a good idea for consumers to
have a complete picture of information that may impact financial decisions about them. Readers
are directed to the CFPB website, which has a list of companies that have specialized databases
dealing with other information that benefits consumers.
18. Disability This article alerts readers who may have a disability or want to help a family member to get assistance to apply for benefits or find a job, about four simple steps they can take on the disability.gov site and the related social media sites.
19. U.S. Government Printing Office/Federal Depository Library Program Readers are informed
about the availability of no-fee access to government information with professional assistance
including documents on such topics as health and nutrition laws; laws, statistics and presidential
materials; science and technology; business and careers; education; history and world maps;
and historical documents dating back to the early days of the republic.
NAAAA / Eldercare Locator (National Association of Area Agencies on Aging)
Kennedy Space Center
U.S. Army
GPO (Government Publishing Office)
HHS / Organdonor.gov (Department of Health and Human Services)
VA / National Guard (Veterans Affairs)
DOL (Department of Labor)
U.S. Army / Wounded Warrior
Centers for Disease Control of the Department of Health and Human Services
• Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
• National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Department of Agriculture
• Economic Research Service
• Food Safety and Inspection Service
• U.S. Forest Service
Department of Commerce
• Minority Business Development Agency
• National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Weather Service
• U.S. Census Bureau
Department of Defense
• United States Army
• United States Navy
Department of Energy
• Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Department of Health and Human Services
• National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
• National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
• National Institute on Drug Abuse
• National Institute of Mental Health
• National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
• National Library of Medicine
• Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
• Public Health Service
Department of Housing and Urban Development
• Ad Council for HUD’s Making Home Affordable program
Department of the Interior
• Bureau of Land Management
• National Park Service
Department of Labor
• Occupational Safety and Health Administration
• Veterans’ Employment and Training Service
• Women’s Bureau
Department of State
• Bureau of Consular Affairs
Department of Transportation
• National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Department of the Treasury
• Comptroller of the Currency
• U.S. Savings Bond Division
Department of Veterans Affairs
• Office of Rural Health
• Veterans Home Loans
• Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment
Environmental Protection Agency
Library of Congress
National Endowment for the Arts
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
U.S. Fire Administration
U.S. Government Publishing Office
U.S. Selective Service System
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