The NAPS Advantage


NAPS is uniquely qualified to deliver the best results for feature news distribution for several important reasons. Here are just a few ways that we go above and beyond to deliver the maximum number of placements for the most cost effective price.

Newspapers prefer the format that NAPS delivers

Thousands of editors, including many at major dailies and weeklies, prefer our customized approach including CD’s and camera ready features in several sizes or our RSS and XML feeds, all our social media sites and our emails with files in any format they choose including jpeg, pdf, text and more.

Key contacts

Media Relations experts at NAPS are in touch with all key contacts at all the 10,000+ newspapers in America and are constantly updating the list for changes due to the high turnover of editors in the industry. They keep track of which format each editor prefers and follow editors to different publications as they move around. NAPS is also in touch with 15,000 online publications, 6,500 radio stations and over 1,000 TV stations to extend the reach of the most important messages to all the contacts, in the right format to the appropriate media. We have built up a following over the 60 years that we have been in business. Editors know us and trust us to regularly send them quality stories, wonderfully written, with sources of the highest degree of credibility and reliability.

Expert writing team

Writing is done by a team of full time staff of experts with an average tenure of more than 10 years with NAPS. They know what is getting the best results and are best able to write articles that will maximize usage.

Beyond clipping bureaus

Clippings are gathered from several clipping bureaus and from our in house staff which subscribes to thousands of publications that others don’t. We are searching thousands of web sites and finding our articles in thousands of online publications that the clipping bureaus miss.

Clear reporting

Reports include color graphics and demonstrate clearly that our results are consistently in the wealthiest states, the most populous states and predominantly in the top 100 markets.

Cutting edge technology

Technology at NAPS is cutting edge. NAPS uses the latest software and equipment as demanded for maximum client and editor satisfaction.

Our VFR is popular among TV broadcasters

TV stations use the NAPS Video Feature Releases (VFR) which are getting the best results because of the popularity among broadcasters, of our monthly program which is used by nearly all users in its entirety. Stories included on our Consumer Science News & Notes program have a greater likelihood of being used than one that gets sent out on its own.

Best results in radio

Radio stations use the NAPS Radio Feature Releases (RFR) which are getting the best results because of the vast network of contacts at radio stations that have been relying on NAPS for generations to deliver quality material in a timely manner on the top subjects.

Connections with Spanish media

Spanish media is one of the fastest growing segments of American media. There has been a population explosion of Spanish speaking people in the U. S. and NAPS is in touch with all the Spanish media to get extra mileage out of the top stories.