NAPS History


North American Precis Syndicate, Inc. (NAPS) was founded in January of 1958 for the purpose of distributing press releases to all daily and weekly newspapers across the U.S. in a ready-to-use format, already set in type and easy to reproduce. It became known as a "mat" service because of the process of setting type with individual letters and pressing those into papier-mache molds, known as mats, into which liquid lead was poured to produce a printing plate that could be used for mass producing articles to be printed in newspapers. NAPS has always been a more cost-effective means of reaching out to the media than trying to do the same job in-house because we are able to spread the cost over a large number of clients, to provide economies of scale. The process changed in the early 1970s, when offset printing of repro proofs, in wide and narrow column sizes, replaced the mats that were distributed to newspapers. Those became known as camera-ready copy, which is still used by many publications today. Editors can reproduce articles by shooting a picture of the camera-ready repro proofs. This process is a convenience for editors at more than 1,500 daily newspapers and 8,500 weekly community newspapers with news holes to fill after the initial layout of the publications. Many editors are low on staff and are under pressure to meet deadlines so they are likely to use the articles as is, not heavily edited, if they know that the information is valid and think it will be interesting to their readers. NAPS has built up a relationship with editors over the years. They know and trust us to send quality material and many use our service exclusively as an external source of content. Thousands of bloggers are now reached by NAPS in addition to traditional newspaper editors. The media relations team of NAPS keeps track of the high turnover of editors, which editors actually use the content and which formats each needs to receive. With the evolution of technology over the years, the variety of formats that editors require has changed to include several more versions of what is sent out in print. The most popular format is now the CD version, which editors can easily store until they need a story to fill special sections, and use to flow information right into their publications. Other formats include all the digital formats commonly used including downloadable files on the site, RSS feeds by subject, e-mails, direct computer feeds, Twitter feeds, and Facebook and Pinterest posts. Each article gets 100 to 400 placements in print and over 1,000+ placements online. Results are tracked in print and online by several monitoring services and the staff of NAPS, which subscribes to thousands of publications that are not monitored by other services. Broadcast capabilities were later added to make NAPS a more comprehensive service, reaching millions more people nationwide. Radio Roundup started out as distribution of scripts for local talent to read, as filler, and now includes professionally voiced spots on CD's, downloadable files in broadcast quality on our site and podcasts via iTunes reaching more than 6,500 radio stations nationwide. Each spot gets 300 to 400 on-air placements. TV distribution started out as scripts with four color slides that could be used by broadcasters, primarily on news and talk shows, to fill in. This was replaced by Consumer Science News & Notes, a 23-minute program that is currently produced once a month by NAPS and distributed to over 1,000 stations. The program goes out as scripts and as professionally voiced spots in a variety of tape and digital formats including downloadable, broadcast-quality files on our site and the NAPS YouTube channel. Each spot gets 100 to 150 on-air placements. By popular demand, recognizing the need for reaching out to a multicultural audience, NAPS began including Spanish versions and African-American versions of stories to increase awareness of messages among diverse readers, listeners and viewers. Those stories are distributed to a supplementary group of media outlets that target the millions of Spanish-speaking and Black Americans. We started doing line drawings to help captivate the attention of readers and we now have an artist who does color drawings and infographics for clients that don't have a photo, or we can provide stock photos to help increase results. We can also provide stock footage and motion graphics for TV spots. We have become more than a distributor of content as clients have depended on seeking our advice about how to extend the reach of a message to millions of additional readers, listeners and viewers nationwide. After careful review of results each year, the NAPS writers have been considered the experts at what will get the best coverage in community news outlets in the wealthy suburbs nationwide. Those are the primary users of our content. Our writers are happy to offer their suggestions on copy and layout at no cost or obligation. NAPS guarantees complete satisfaction with each release or another one free. After more than half a century, we know what to expect. We have worked for most Fortune 500 companies, the top 20 PR firms, over 100 associations and many government agencies. Results have been better than ever, with many more clients receiving the highly coveted Golden Thinker award for results that are well above and beyond what is typically expected. As always, we are committed to providing excellent results and welcome suggestions for improvement. We continue to monitor feedback from our clients to make our service the best that it can be. We embrace the advances in technology and we will continue to take full advantage of those to achieve even higher levels of success in the future. NAPS has supported many trade and educational organizations relating to PR, communications, media relations and journalism. We have also done a lot of work pro bono for many worthy causes. We sponsor professional development events and support a variety of charitable organizations to help make the world a better place to live in.

Here are some of the developments made just since the start of the new millennium:

  • 1000+ online placements: We now offer 1000+ online placements guaranteed.
  • Top stories: We have added the Top Stories of the year to our site.
  • Social Media: We have added Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram sites for all our stories.
  • Twitter: We have Twitter Feeds to editors with nearly 3,000 followers.
  • Facebook: We have all our articles available on our NAPS Facebook page.
  • Blogs: We have expanded our online reach and results by targeting and getting placed in thousands more blogs.
  • Word tagging: We are tagging keywords in print and TV releases for Search Engine Optimization.
  • Site within a frame: We now display, directly under each print release on our site, a website in a frame for a story that includes a hyperlink to help to get more page views on that site.
  • Page view counters: We also include on the first page of our reports the number of times each article was viewed on our site in the categories list above the special sections. The two numbers for page views can be added together to get the total.
  • Photos and captions: We have reformatted the photos and captions on our site to make those easier
    for editors and readers to see and use.
  • Reports available in Excel: We now offer the option to get reports in Excel automatically.
  • UVM and UVD: We have added columns on our reports to measure unique visitors per month and unique visitors per day.
  • AQH andD CUME: We have added AQH and CUME numbers, from Arbitron, to our radio reports.
  • Newspaper stats: We have the latest statistics about newspapers in print and online available on our
    site, including a demographic breakdown of the users.
  • Special events: We have arranged to sponsor and attend many of the most important events of the leading trade organizations and publications including PRSA, PR News and PR Week. We have also lined up many media relations events with all the most important trade organizations to network with editors.

NAPS is adding VALUE without additional cost to clients. Here are some of the many improvements that have been made:

    • GOOGLE NEWS has been using every one of our press releases and leaving those up for about a month. Thousands of other news sites copy NAPS stories from Google News onto their own sites. People are accessing NAPS stories on Google News by doing a search by key subject words. Google News is said by Editor & Publisher to have 13 million unique visitors per week.
    • MORE MAJOR DAILY NEWSPAPER PLACEMENTS have been achieved because NAPS has been helping some increasingly demanding editors who are doing the jobs of 2 or 3 people due to downsizing.
    • THOUSANDS MORE ONLINE NEWS SITES are using NAPS articles. They are getting those individually from our NAPSNET.COM site or in groups from our RSS and XML feeds which are now by topic. Many are copying from other news sites which are carrying our articles, helping results to mushroom.
    • UNIQUE VISITORS to NAPSNET.COM exceeds 8,000 Per Week.
    • SOCIAL MEDIA links are at the bottom of each article posted on NAPSNET.COM. This provides for easy sharing of information among bloggers and others.
    • ONLINE CLIPS are viewable on NAPS reports. Each clip is scanned and posted on the reports.
    • PODCASTING is available for each NAPS radio spot through iTunes. This provides broadcasters and the general public with one more easy way to get NAPS news. YouTube has a special channel dedicated to NAPS. All NAPS TV spots are posted there for broadcasters and the general public.
    • RSS and XML FEEDS—Thousands of editors receive RSS feeds daily from our Web site. Stories go directly into the computers of editors as soon as those are posted.
    • 1-HOUR POSTING—Stories are posted to 1 hour after approval.
    • E-CLIPS—Clips are scanned and e-mailed to clients daily for faster results reporting. Originals are then sent by first-class mail. Clients are now starting to receive clips as early as a few days after their stories are approved.
    • MULTIPLE ONLINE MONITORING SERVICES—Several monitoring services are finding our stories in thousands of online publications. The internal NAPS monitoring staff is finding thousands of online placements that others miss because they don’t search every Web site. Placements are often found by the NAPS staff faster than external monitoring services can find and send those out.
    • E-MAIL DISTRIBUTION—Stories are e-mailed to editors daily, weekly or monthly on all topics or the topics of their choosing as they request.
    • HYPERLINKING STORIES—Web sites or key words in stories can be hyperlinked on our Web site so that editors can go directly to those Web sites from the stories posted.
    • PICK SECTIONS BY TOPIC—Clients can choose to post their stories to a particular section of the Web site for optimal access by editors. The NAPS Media Relations Department send links to editors by topics such as food, health, auto or home, for special sections when needed. CD’s are sent by topic for special sections.
    • ONLINE SEARCH ENGINE—Editors can search the Web site by using a key word or phrase in the search engine there.
    • HIGHEST QUALITY ART—Art is available in color in several formats and more than one size to give editors the options they prefer. The NAPS staff artist is the most widely published in America and can provide drawings to help get the attention of editors.
    • MEDIA RELATIONS EVENTS—NAPS sponsors and exhibits at many events including SNA, IFPA, Interactive Media, APME, NAA, ASNE, AFCP and AAJA.