Spring Poison Prevention Pointers Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Spring Poison Prevention Pointers (NAPSA)—It is important to > keep safety in mind as you begin your spring cleaning and gardening. Many of the products used, such as garden chemicals, paint thinner, bleach and furniture polish, are poisonous. Almost anything can be a poison if it’s used the wrong way, by the wrong person, or in the wrong amount. In case of a possible poisoning, call the Poison Help line at 1-800-2221222 to talk to a poison expert. You can also protect yourself and those around you by exercising a little caution. Here are some simple tips to help you clean safely: *Keep household cleaning products and other chemicals in the containers they came in, and always store them away from food and out of the reach of children. Read and follow directions for use and disposal of cleaning products, and never mix chemicals, including household cleaners, or detergents. Turn on fans and open windows when using chemicals or household cleaners. Don’t sniff containers to see whatis inside. eWhen spraying chemicals, direct the nozzle away from people and pets. *Bug and weed killers can be taken in through the skin or inhaled and can be poisonoustoo. Even leather shoes and gloves do not offer full protection, so stay away from areas that have been sprayedfor at least an hour. eWear protective clothing when using any spray products. If pesticides are splashed onto the skin, rinse with soap and running water. Wash your clothing after using chemicals too. Tell your children that they should ask a grown-up if they’re not sure if something is danger- Heap 1-800-222-1222 Cut this out and post it by your phone. ous. Tell them to stay away from things used to clean the house, clothes, or car. *If you suspect someone has been poisoned call the Poison Help line right away at 1-800-222-1222, to talk to a poison expert. It does n’t have to be an “emergency” to call. No matter where you are in the U.S., the Poison Help line at 1800-222-1222 will connect you to your local poison control center. Poison centers are not just for parents of young children. They are for everyone who needs advice, including adults and health care providers. Nurses, pharmacists, doctors and other experts specially trained in poisoning answer the phone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Thecall is free and confidential, and you can get help in 161 languages. Services are also available for the hearing impaired. Post the number by your home phone and program it into your cell phone for quick access. Keep these tips in mind as you start your spring cleaning. If you would like to learn more about the Poison Help line at 1-800-222- 1222, visit the Poison Help Web site at www.PoisonHelp.hrsa.gov or www.PoisonHelpEspanol.hrsa. gov. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-170207-20190816-170205-80630.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-170205-80630.pdf