(NAPSA)—Don't waitfor allergy sea- sontoarrive to do somethingto avoid the health problemsthatallergies can cause. ‘There are severaleasy steps you can take to beat the sneezingbeforeit starts. Here are somepreventiontips: + Cut back on carpeting; instead, considerusingtile and hardwoodfloors. + Use a vacuum with a HEPAfilter. + Roll up your window shades and clean yourdrapes. +Have your HVACsystem professional- ly cleaned. Dirty ducts can harbor pollen and other pollutants. Contaminants are pulled into the HVACsystem andrecirculated severaltimesa day. The buildup in the ductwork creates continuousexposurethatonly cleaning can address. A complete cleaning should include replacing the filter and cleaning the ductwork, from where the air enters the return duct, through the air handler (blower, coil, and head exchanger), to theexit, wheretheair is released to condition the home.Thiswill removebuiltup particulates and contaminants such as pollen, improving indoor air quality and maximizing systemefficiency. Membersofthe National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) have signed the NADCACodeofEthics and invested time andresourcesinto indus- try training and education. NADCA requires that all members have atleast onecertified Air SystemsCleaning Spe- cialist (ASCS) onstaff, and they must clean and restore yourheating and cool- ingsystem in accordance with NADCA standardsand guidelines. Get facts and tips at Breathing Clean.com. The Find A Professional directory can help youlocate a certi- fied individualin your area.